A homegrown heart is one that longs to sleep with the windows open. One that longs to smell the fresh cut fields, Ride in the afternoon - bareback, and barfoot. A homegrown heart likes to turn the music up, grow something, talk to God and wear boots, because they are better. These hearts go fishing, play with dogs and play with horses. Homegrown hearts give it their all, everytime. They are true to themselves, and true to those around them. They have deep roots. But more important, a homegrown heart LOVES WITH ALL ITS STRENGTH.

Friday, October 15, 2010


The fall is the most beautiful time...  Today the fog was heavy, and I mean thick and heavy... so thick I couldn't see my hand in front of me when I got up and went to the barn.  My horse was standing in the fog, I could barely make out his shape, and the fog makes everything so silent... all I could hear was his breathing, and then his hoofs as they crunched through the frozen ground as he came to the fence to greet me.  It really was one of those moments, where everything stops, nothing matters, where life is so clear and obvious.  For a moment, you are so sure about yourself, about what matters, and what will come  I just stood there, listening to him breath, the fog was so cold on my cheeks and hands, and I rubbed his little cold nose... 
Then I led him out of the paddock and into the pathway that leads to the arena, and he was so fantastically beautiful, his back end hidden from my eyes, all I could make out was his head, neck and his shoulders slowly dissolved into the grey white of the most beautiful cloud.