A homegrown heart is one that longs to sleep with the windows open. One that longs to smell the fresh cut fields, Ride in the afternoon - bareback, and barfoot. A homegrown heart likes to turn the music up, grow something, talk to God and wear boots, because they are better. These hearts go fishing, play with dogs and play with horses. Homegrown hearts give it their all, everytime. They are true to themselves, and true to those around them. They have deep roots. But more important, a homegrown heart LOVES WITH ALL ITS STRENGTH.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I gave my niece a pair of cowgirl kickers- those cowgirl boot slippers that are all fuzzy and warm... Her first pair of anything remotely resembling cowboy boots.  And bright pink to go with it!
I gave them to her kind of late at night, and she was all tucked in her moms arms, trying to fall asleep, holding 4 binkeys and a blanket.  I left them with her mom, only after enthusiastically saying "Look!  Cowgirl boots!!!!"

Later in the evening, I got a voice mail from her mom.  "You will never believe what she did!  She put the slippers on and said, 'Oh my cowgirls!  YeeHaw!!!  Ride Horsey??' And ran to get her horse-on-a-stick!"

See?  I am the coolest Aunt in the WORLD!  Im the cowgirl aunt!  Bring it on world!  Im gonna make little cowgirls out of all my nieces!