A homegrown heart is one that longs to sleep with the windows open. One that longs to smell the fresh cut fields, Ride in the afternoon - bareback, and barfoot. A homegrown heart likes to turn the music up, grow something, talk to God and wear boots, because they are better. These hearts go fishing, play with dogs and play with horses. Homegrown hearts give it their all, everytime. They are true to themselves, and true to those around them. They have deep roots. But more important, a homegrown heart LOVES WITH ALL ITS STRENGTH.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Oregon rain makes us blue :(

While Im busy freezing my butt off hugging the heater, my boy is standing a foot and a half in mud and crap in our lovely padock.  He stands with his blanket on, covered in mud and rain, waiting by the gate for me to come home from work and play.  I noticed he stopped eating, so last night i took him inside and fed him where i could watch him.  If i was whithin eye-shot of him, he chowed down.  If I walked away, he would scream and stop eating.   So I waited until he ate all his grain, then worked him pretty hard, and then he had a real good warm bath.  Got all the mud off his legs, belly, tail... and he finally settled enough to eat by himself.  I think he is depressed  :(  Poor little guy.  So this morning he got fed in his stall, and he is going to stay there all day.  I need him to eat.  Ill work with him this afternoon, so hopefully he forgives me for leaving him dry and warm and safe out of the mud.