A homegrown heart is one that longs to sleep with the windows open. One that longs to smell the fresh cut fields, Ride in the afternoon - bareback, and barfoot. A homegrown heart likes to turn the music up, grow something, talk to God and wear boots, because they are better. These hearts go fishing, play with dogs and play with horses. Homegrown hearts give it their all, everytime. They are true to themselves, and true to those around them. They have deep roots. But more important, a homegrown heart LOVES WITH ALL ITS STRENGTH.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What a weekend!

It all started when a friend came out to the barn to help me with my TB.  She rode for a bit and then I jumped on him (naughty i know..) brace and all.  We did great... for about three cirles, then I asked him to lope.  He did.  check.  Then He stopped, so i  urged him on ane he went straight up.  Now normally, I would just lean iN, squeeze hard and ride it out... NOPE!  That dang brace kept my from using my left thigh to squeeze in, so instead, after a failed attempt, I just slid right off his back onto my bum.  I rolled and covered my face, anticipating the kick... but it never came  That stupid horse just stood there with his ears back waiting for me.  So I got up, dusted off, remounted and rode him again.  I win.  I always win. 

Then we went out and rode my friends horses.  Then we roped.  Then we went out and looked at (and rode) a big gorgous paint QH gelding I am looking at buyin.  He rocked my socks.  I really want him. 

Anyway, the sun was in and out, the hail came and went, but it was a good weekend. (Minus the butt bounce)